



The backbone of our economy, 商业送货司机是技术熟练的工人,他们为我们提供从食品到商店货架上的产品等各种服务. They’re also responsible for delivering equipment required to run businesses, 政府机构, 医疗保健服务. 

By pursuing an intensive education, such as an advanced 卡车司机 program, 毕业生可以建立实用的知识和现实世界的技能,他们需要实现自己的专业目标,并充满信心地进入劳动力市场. 


送货司机是确保消费品和商品安全到达目的地的熟练工人. 他们可能在当地工作,驾驶汽车或小卡车,每天送货. 那些进步的人 通过获得大型车辆的商业驾驶执照(CDL)来提高送货司机的技能, 卡车, and tractor trailers can become eligible for long-haul, 或长途运输的, 货运的机会. 越野商业驾驶合同可以让他们在全国甚至国际范围内驾驶.

Operating a delivery truck safely requires the appropriate CDL. Over-the-road commercial delivery drivers need a Class A CDL, which allows them to operate tractor-trailers. With a Class B CDL, drivers can operate straight 卡车 and delivery 卡车. 大多数运送包裹、家具和其他小件货物的本地送货司机都需要CDL-B.

Depending on the type of cargo, whether it be fragile or perishable, 能够严格遵守时间表和高效地工作对于司机和雇主的成功和满意都是至关重要的. With the right skills and experience, 快递司机能够确保企业和个人都能按时收到他们的物品, 在全国的供应链和商业模式中提供必要的服务. 

Delivery Driver Responsibilities

送货司机除了简单地从一个地方开车到另一个地方外,还有各种各样的责任. Drivers are often expected to perform duties such as the following: 

  • Loading and unloading the vehicle
  • Handling perishable or fragile items safely
  • Ensuring that items are delivered to the correct address and customer
  • Taking payment when required 
  • Completing and organizing documentation
  • Working on a specific schedule or timeline
  • Maintaining a clean vehicle and equipment
  • Communicating timelines and discrepancies to the company dispatcher

Five Delivery Driver Skills

送货司机必须具备全面的技能,以平衡卡车驾驶的硬技能和软技能, 比如交流, 时间管理, 以及管理任务. 

1. 时间管理

Delivery drivers are often required to meet strict schedules and timelines. 无论是运送易碎或易腐烂的物品,还是仅仅要求他们在截止日期前到达目的地, 他们有责任有效地管理他们的时间表,并确保他们按时完成合同.

2. 沟通

能够专业有效地沟通反映了司机和他们的雇主. Whether interacting with their employer or with a customer, 有礼貌和专业的司机可以提高他们长期或重复就业的前景. 另外, 送货司机必须及时向公司报告任何事件或事故.

3. 解决问题

Not all contracts and deliveries run smoothly. Drivers may encounter various challenges, such as  mechanical issues, 交通和路线变化, or administrative challenges. 因为司机通常作为独立承包商工作,或者自己完成送货, problem-solving is an essential delivery driver skill, 使他们能够批判性地思考他们的选择,并在路上做出重要的决定. 

4. 耐心和专注

一次花几个小时在路上是很有挑战性的,送货司机在路上的行为会对他们自己和他们的雇主产生影响. While it may not seem like an obvious delivery driver skill, 长时间保持耐心和专注,不管周围司机的行为是商业司机成功的关键. 

5. 注重细节

Delivery drivers must make sure that deliveries not only arrive on time but also go to the correct address and the correct person; they must also receive payment when required. 勤奋的司机注意送货的细节可以节省大量的时间,并确保他们的工作正确完成. 

Benefits of a 商业驱动 Training 程序

完成商业驾驶培训课程对未来的毕业生有很多好处. 这些课程可以为学生提供商业驾驶的基础知识,更好地准备候选人获得商业驾驶执照. 

另外, by completing a commercial driving training program, 司机向雇主展示了他们对自己领域的奉献精神,以及他们准备接受送货司机的许多挑战. With the addition of workplace experience, 受过教育和技术熟练的有执照的司机有机会找到理想的角色和随之而来的福利或薪水. 

Delivery Driver Job Outlook

根据美国.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), 预计在2022年至2032年间,货车司机的总体就业人数将增长10%, higher than the national average for all occupations. By completing a training program and advancing their skills, 外卖司机有机会提高他们的收入潜力,实现他们的目标. 

Reach Your Professional Goals as a Skilled Delivery Driver 

作为一名商业司机,学习实用的送货司机技能可能是开始一项具有挑战性的新职业的关键. With opportunities to work for larger companies or as independent contractors, 经验丰富、受过教育的快递员可以开始为自己塑造一份职业,使他们能够平衡个人和职业目标. 

By earning an education through programs such as the  Advanced Tractor Trailer Driving program from Fortis在美国,毕业生可以掌握掌握自己未来所需的实用技能. 旨在为毕业生准备的许可程序和他们在现实世界中可能面临的挑战, 完成富通的证书或文凭课程可以帮助您为成功做好准备. Discover how you can build a promising future as a delivery driver. 


How Women Are Shaping the Future of Truck Driving
Take Your Trucking Career to the 下一个 Level: Six Endorsements to Consider
What Does the Trucker Shortage Mean for Trucking Students?

Indeed, 14 Reasons To Become a Truck Driver (Including Tips)
Indeed, Learn 关于 Being a Delivery Driver
U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Delivery Truck Drivers and Driver/Sales Workers
U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Heavy and Tractor-Trailer Truck Drivers
Workable, Truck Driver Job Description
标签: 卡车司机, CDL